Maverick GardnerMaverick Gardner

Why IT Services are Vital for Business Owners

When it comes to running a business, there are a lot of things to worry about. You have to make sure you’re providing exceptional customer service, stocking the right supplies, and keeping your books in order. But one thing that’s often overlooked is your IT infrastructure. Many business owners don’t realize just how vital IT services are for their success. In this post, we’ll explore some of the reasons why IT is so important for businesses. We’ll also discuss some of the benefits that an IT provider can offer to help you improve your operations. So if you’re looking for ways to take your business to the next level, read on! 

Businesses Need To Have a Reliable and Secure IT Infrastructure

Unfortunately, many businesses don’t take the necessary steps to secure their network and systems, which can lead to data theft and other security breaches. The power of technology is undeniable. From an individual employee’s work to operations, goods, and services- it can be seen in every aspect of today’s businesses. The benefits don’t stop there though. When properly networked with other employees and devices, you’ll create efficiencies for communication while also increasing productivity by optimizing how information flows throughout your company. 

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, powering everything from the way we work to how businesses operate. When connected properly through networks it can be optimized to drive your business’s success. 


With a focus on IT infrastructure, a company can:  

  • Provide uninterrupted access to its website and online store 
  • Create and execute projects with speed 
  • Decrease downtime, increase employee productivity  
  • Optimize data collection and analyses  

What are the components of IT infrastructure?  

For a system to work, it must have both hardware and software components. The two most important aspects help control what applications run and connect those running processes with networking components so they can communicate effectively. Below are the various hardware and software components a business may use. 


Hardware components can include:

  • Desktop computers 
  • Computer hardware etc., Graphics Processing Unit, Motherboards, RAM 
  • Laptops 
  • Servers 
  • Data centers 
  • Hubs 
  • Routers 
  • Switches


Software components can include: 

  • Content management systems (CMS) 
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) 
  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) 
  • Operating systems 
  • Online servers 

Servers.  One of the most important parts of any IT infrastructure is a server. A core hardware component needed for an enterprise, this computer allows multiple users to access and share resources within the network environment that it provides. 

Data Centers.  The data center is the core of any network. In these rooms, servers are stored and maintained so that they can provide services for clients at a moment’s notice- without fail or interruption.

Networks.  Networks are the lifeblood of any modern-day technology-driven society. They contain all devices that allow people to connect with each other. This can be done by the means of chat, voice calls, and even video conferences while being able to transfer data quickly across vast distances.  


Infrastructure Types 


Cloud Infrastructure. Cloud computing has been around for quite some time now and is gaining popularity worldwide. This technology allows end-users to access resources like servers without having them installed on-premises, through virtualization; this process connects physical hardware maintained by service providers at any or many geographical locations into one seamless network that provides comprehensive IT infrastructure.


Traditional Infrastructure. The traditional IT infrastructure is made up of the usual hardware and software components: facilities, data centers or servers; networking equipment such as desktop computers, and enterprise application solutions. This type requires more power than other types and also takes up more physical space than Cloud Infrastructure. 

IT Services Can Help Businesses Save Money 

Business owners are always looking for ways to save money, and one way to do that is by using IT services. The cost of hiring a full-time employee is expensive, not to mention the time it takes. Outsourcing your IT needs will often make you more money in the long run and free up some precious hours for other important projects.

5 valuable benefits when outsourcing are:

1) IT integration– Do you have existing IT staff and are looking for additional support? No problem!  Managed Service Providers/IT Service Providers will work with your staff and improve your IT infrastructure/security. 

2) You can save on labor – Hiring a traditional IT manager costs on average $93,127 while any additional  IT Technicians will cost you $50,973 based on median income from 

3) You have more control over what gets done – As opposed to just having a singular employee who may already be stretched too thin. Working with an IT service provider will allow you to complete IT-related work quicker as an entire team is behind you if need be. 

4)There are no additional costs or risks involved in outsourcing your IT needs- You can save on the cost of hiring a full-time employee, and you can also take advantage of the expertise of professionals who know how to best utilize technology to help your business grow. In addition, using IT services can help you avoid costly mistakes and keep your data safe. So if you’re looking for ways to save money, it’s worth considering using an IT service provider.

5) It’s better quality control – Hiring your own IT manager or technician can be risky if you cannot confirm their background and work experience. You are putting a lot of trust in a person managing all your data and customer info. If this falls in the wrong hands it can be catastrophic! IT Service Providers often ask for background checks for our employees, helping to eliminate the risk involved with hiring a random person. 

Security Is Improved

In an age where technology is constantly evolving and becoming more complex, it’s more important than ever for businesses to have reliable IT services in place. If an IT employee is overburdened and does not have the time to research current and existing threats you may be creating a significant security concern if left unchecked. With a Managed Service Provider or IT Service Provider, you are often in the best of hands as you have many industry professionals that keep up with the latest IT security trends and news.  By partnering with an experienced provider of IT services, business owners can rest assured that their systems are safe and protected from the latest threats.


IT Services  Improve Customer Service 

Having your IT managed is essential for many businesses, but it’s not just about keeping your computers and networks running smoothly. IT services can also play a crucial role in improving customer service. By using the latest tools and technologies, your team can provide faster, more efficient responses to customer inquiries, helping you to build better relationships with your customers and boost your bottom line. So if you’re looking for ways to improve your customer service, don’t neglect your IT services – it could be the key to success. 


By Outsourcing Your IT Needs, You Can Focus On Running Your Business 

If you’re like most business owners, you’re constantly looking for ways to streamline your operations and focus on your core competencies. One way to do that is by outsourcing your IT needs. By doing so, you can rely on experts to manage and maintain your technology infrastructure, which will free up time and resources for you to focus on running your business.  

They Improve Communication Within Your Company

In order to have a successful business, communication is key. When different aspects of the company are working together seamlessly, it can help improve productivity and overall success. However, when there are gaps in communication, it can cause problems. One area where this can be a challenge is with Information Technology (IT). Many business owners don’t have the expertise or time to manage their IT needs internally, so they outsource these services. Doing this can help bridge many gaps in communication and create a more cohesive team.  

Outsourcing your IT needs is not only cost-effective but also allows you to focus on your core business functions. The right IT provider will understand your company’s culture and work with you to develop comprehensive solutions that will help you grow. 


Data and Information are Protected

Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to breach your organization’s security. They amplify any threat by targeting multiple environments and endpoints, putting sensitive information at risk of being compromised in order to make a profit off you. Zero trust is the only way we can confidently protect our data which provides critical foundations not just for business operations but also our daily lives online. Outsourcing your IT needs is a great way to protect your data and information. By working with a qualified and experienced IT company (like Maverick Gardner), you can ensure that your systems are running smoothly and that your data is safe. Not only does this boost security, but also provides peace of mind for your customers. Outsourcing your IT needs is the best way to keep your business moving forward. 


IT Services Save You Time and Money In the Long Run  

In the business world, time is money. Every minute counts, and in order to stay ahead of the competition, businesses need to focus on their core competencies and outsource things that they can. This philosophy applies to information technology (IT) needs as well. By outsourcing your IT needs, you can save yourself time and money. Here are three reasons why outsourcing your IT needs makes sense for businesses of all sizes.  

1) Cost Savings: When you outsource your IT needs, you pay a fixed price for a service that meets your specific needs. This is often much less expensive than hiring full-time employees who require benefits and a salary.  

2) Time Savings: In addition to cost savings, outsourcing your IT needs also saves your company time. The time saved from not having to manage an IT department is invaluable. The benefits of outsourcing are many and include cost savings, but what makes this so appealing for companies in need? The answer lies with two main factors: saving money on hiring staff or buying expensive equipment that cannot be managed internally; as well as being able achieve more than one goal at once by using outside help instead.

3) Reduced Recovery Time and Recovery Expenditure:   According to the latest data breach report by IBM and the Ponemon Institute, the cost of a data breach in 2021 is US$ 4.24 million. And that’s just for one organization! With IT services in place you’ll be able not only to prevent breaches but also have much shorter recovery times so your customers never feel compromised or worried about their personal information being leaked during an attack. 

IT services are also an essential tool for any organization that needs to recover quickly following a data breach.  Remote access, security monitoring, and response tools allow organizations of all sizes — from startups who have never experienced such problems before — the opportunity to take control immediately after a breach. So they don’t face long expensive recovery processes or costly outages in their business operations due to a lack IT skillset requirements. 

Receive Immediate Expert Level Support  

If your car broke down would you entrust it to someone who never fixed a vehicle? Your IT system needs regular maintenance just like a vehicle to stay effective. When you outsource the work of managing this important part of business operations and leave it up to employees or freelancers without any background in technology management; problems may arise which can cause delays on projects valued at thousands per day lost due to downtime/resolution efforts. The last thing any company wants is money going down the drain with unnecessary costs coupled with poor performance from their employees’ skillsets outside what they are hired for.  

In Conclusion

Business owners should consider the vital role that IT services play in their company and how they can use these services to improve operations. By outsourcing IT needs, business owners can focus on their core competencies and leave the technology needs to a team of experts. In addition, using managed IT services provides peace of mind that your systems are always up-to-date and protected from cyber threats. What steps have you taken to ensure that your business is getting the most out of its IT services?

Maverick Gardner is a growing leader MSP (Managed Service Provider) in IT Consulting, Infrastructure. IT Services, Support and Maintenance Services, Cloud, Deployment and Procurement, Disaster Recovery, IT Outsourcing Services, and more!

IT That thinks outside the box…



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