What Is A Cloud Service?

by | Jul 24, 2024 | IT Solutions | 0 comments

What Is A Cloud Service?

A cloud service is a term used to describe services such as software, platforms and infrastructure hosted for users on the internet. Moving to the cloud is used to provide, easy and affordable access to these various applications without having to purchase and set up hardware for employees. 

Whether you realize it or not when you are checking your email or working together on a document over the web you are participating in a cloud service. 

So How Do Cloud Services Work?


Just like many other IT services cloud services rely off hardware and software. When hosting a cloud service hardware is partitioned off so that a user may run applications and work on the web. The four main hardware components that allow for cloud services to run are listed below.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)- Preforms instructions comprising a computer program.  A CPU will preform basic arithmetic, logic, controlling and input/output instructions for a program.

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)- Is a electrical device designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display device.

Random Access Memory (RAM)- RAM is a form of temporary storage that disappears when the computing device is turned off. RAM allows you to access multiple programs and tasks with haste.

Data Storage– SSD (solid state drive) and HDD (Hard Drive Disks) are used to store a users digital data.


What Are The Benefits Of Cloud Services?


Enhanced Security: Cloud computing offers consistent and regular updates so that the network is up to date with current threats. The architecture is also more modern so security is built-in, allowing for more defense against cyber threats.

Increased Flexibility: Cloud solutions are a new way to work that’s completely powered by the internet. They offer near-limitless capabilities, meaning you can access the cloud at any time or place as long as a compatible device and connection to the internet.

Scalability: With the cloud service provider providing all the necessary infrastructure and software you do not need to spend time with setup and maintenance. This yields a faster and more affordable way to scale for many businesses.

Cost Savings: Not only do you save money on the many on-premise software licenses. A company will also save on the hardware cost associated with purchasing and setting up a new computer/laptop.

Sustainability: Hosting in the cloud is more environmentally friendly and better for the environment. Traditional data hardware systems use a large amount of electricity and require maintenance and an uninterrupted power source. By switching to the cloud you are utilizing a more efficient and environmentally friendly method.

Is A Cloud Service Right For Your Business?


With the simplicity, cost savings and security benefits its no wonder many businesses are making the switch to the cloud. At Maverick Gardner we understand that not every situation is going to be the same and we are ready to work with you. Contact us today or compare our plans to help bring your business up to the cloud!


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