Maverick GardnerMaverick Gardner

Russia Invades Ukraine – What This Means For Cyber Security

The latest battle in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has extended into cyberspace, and now the world is wondering if this will affect their cybersecurity. Here’s what you need to know about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, how it’s being done, and why it matters to you. 

The Basics

On 24 February 2022, armed Russian troops and special forces invaded in eastern Ukraine, precipitating an international crisis. The West fears Putin’s ultimate goal is to undermine Kiev’s pro-Western government. What does that mean for your cyber security? If nothing else, it means more security awareness is needed for both consumers and businesses. And while no one knows what tools Russia might use against Ukraine, we do know they are likely to be able to get into many computers worldwide.  If they can hack their way into a mobile device or government computers in Eastern Europe, they can likely do it elsewhere too. So what should you do about it? How will your organization stay secure when there is already proof hackers can breach some of our most vital systems with ease? Read more to find out.

The Hackers

Foreign cybercriminals have been targeting Russian and Ukrainian Web servers to plant malicious code, as well as to launch distributed denial-of-service attacks against a network run by one of Ukraine’s most popular news outlets. While there is no proof that Moscow is behind these cyber campaigns, experts believe it’s likely that hacking groups with ties to Russian intelligence agencies are responsible. These intrusions could pose risks for businesses outside of Russia, especially since other nations may soon follow suit. With global tensions on the rise over Ukraine, smaller nations may be tempted to attack sites in larger rivals in order to disrupt or destroy their infrastructure. The Internet has already become an extension of modern warfare; hackers who can cause damage from afar can pose new challenges for international relations. 

What Can You Do?

A big question many are asking right now is how to fight back.  There are steps both companies and consumers can do. And the most important step is taking responsibility for our own cyber-security. That starts with having a robust cyber security system in place. Antivirus, regular data backups, and security awareness training seminars are a great starting point. Also choosing advanced encryption tools like two-factor authentication whenever possible is a great added benefit. If you are a business owner using a trustworthy Managed Service Provider (like ours), can also mitigate risk! 

In Conclusion

It’s important to realize that cyber warfare is simply an extension of conventional warfare—and if we keep ourselves informed about current events, we can better prepare ourselves for what’s next in our cybersecurity.  As technology develops at such a rapid pace, you need information now more than ever before; reading articles like these can help position you to succeed as we enter uncharted waters. 

Maverick Gardner is a growing leader MSP (Managed Service Provider) in IT Consulting, Infrastructure. IT Services, Support and Maintenance Services, Cloud, Deployment and Procurement, Disaster Recovery, IT Outsourcing Services, and more!

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