Maverick GardnerMaverick Gardner

Simple Tips For Better Computer Security



Simple Tips For Better Computer Security


% of desktops protected by antivirus in the USA

Protecting your computer is an important task. Here are some Simple Tips For Better Computer Security. Whether it’s from viruses, malware, hackers, or simply poor passwords – you need to be proactive in order to ensure that your data is safe. Today we’ll cover some simple steps you can take to improve the security of your device and protect yourself against threats.  

Use A Password Manager

First, let’s talk about a password manager. A password manager keeps user accounts and data more secure. In particular, it suggests stronger passwords so that a person is not using a password like password123. Additionally, it also saves time with forgetting passwords as it remembers all the passwords for you. 

Update Your Operating System

In addition to a password manager, updating your operating system is also important. The first reason is security. An older operating system is more vulnerable and susceptible to attacks from hackers and malware.  Moreover, keeping your operating system updated helps decrease software and hardware incompatibility. If the newer software is incompatible with an older version of the operating system often it will simply not work!

Install Antivirus

With so many different paid and free versions of Antivirus available, there are many different options to protect your device. Having the peace of mind that you are protected from threats such as malware, viruses and hackers is an extraordinary relief. At Maverick Gardner we recommend ESET (an antivirus solution) as it provides a robust security solution while utilizing very little of the device’s hardware.

Turn Off Your Bluetooth When It’s Not In Use

While you should keep your anti-virus on at almost all times, you should be turning off your Bluetooth Connection when not in use. When you leave the house do you leave the door open? Just like your door, you should be shutting off your Bluetooth when not in use. Your device has lots of digital entrances such as Wi-Fi and Cellular and having even one more door open at all times puts your device at risk.


Bluetooth Speaker Picture

In Conclusion

We hope you’ve found some new tips for improving the security of your computer. As always, make sure to use antivirus software and updates on a regular basis, don’t open attachments from unknown sources, be careful when downloading files or clicking questionable links online, and try not to store too many personal details about yourself in public places like social media sites. If this sounds overwhelming or if you need help with any aspect of computer security that we haven’t covered here today (or even just general IT advice), give us a call at 647-484-6045 or email us at [email protected]. Our team is ready and waiting to work with you! 

Maverick Gardner is a growing leader MSP (Managed Service Provider) in IT Consulting, Infrastructure. IT Services, Support and Maintenance Services, Cloud, Deployment and Procurement, Disaster Recovery, IT Outsourcing Services, and more! 

IT That thinks outside the box


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